
Looking For Genuine UGG Boots On Sale - How To Make Sure They're Genuine UGGs

, If you\'re looking online for genuine UGG boots on sale there are a number of things you can do to make sure you\'re buying the genuine thing. UGG Boots can be found on many online stores however because of their popularity, sadly there are a small number of unscrupulous traders who are selling counterfeit boots.

The best way to ensure that you are purchasing the genuine UGG Boots is only to buy from an UGG Authorised Retailer. UGG Australia are very proud Usa Ugg Boots of their product and to help buyers have issued a list of US Authorised Online Retailers. You can buy your UGGs online in complete confidence from any of these Usa Ugg Boots retailers who will provide you with a high level of service and in many cases a great discount.

I am a great fan of eBay, however I do not recommend you buy UGGs from this or any other auction site. The manufacturers do not allow their products to be sold in this way and the fact that you see a great price should alert you to the possibility that the goods are fake, although UGG Australia are now reporting that some sites are advertising UGGs at full retail price in the hope of avoiding detection.

There are a number of other ways you can identify counterfeit UGG boots, such as Usa Ugg Boots poor stitching and misaligned labelling on the heel however you need to be able to physically see the boots before you can see a problem which is of course not possible with an online purchase.

The only way to buy with confidence online is to use an UGG Authorised Online Retailer.